Fraud Awareness

Fraud and corruption are sensitive and damaging issues that can lead to financial loss, bad publicity and loss of public confidence in the way public money is being used.

The Council has an internal audit team who ensure that robust procedures are in place so that the risk of impropriety is minimised as far as possible and that, should an instance occur, there is a swift and effective response.

Fraud Awareness - Speak Up Campaign

What is 'Speak Up'?

"Speak Up" is an opportunity for members of the public to raise any concerns or suspicions they may have about potential fraudulent activities concerning Test Valley Borough Council.

Examples of fraud may include:

  • inappropriate use of Council assets (such as vehicles, equipment or facilities)
  • misuse of Council money (such as spending on illegal or inappropriate activities)

How to Report Fraud

  • Are you concerned about someone abusing Test Valley Borough council's services or premises
  • Are you someone working with Test Valley borough council that has witnessed malpractice or suspecting Fraud
  • You may make an anonymous report, but please provide sufficient information to enable an investigation to be instigated.

What Can I report?

  • Suspected Fraud
  • Cover up or wrongdoing
  • Any Illegal practice

If you are concerned or suspicious of fraudulent activities please alert the Council, telephone 01264 368000 or email:

You may make an anonymous report, but please provide sufficient information to enable an investigation to be instigated.