Council, Cabinet and Committee Meetings


  • The Borough Council

    The Borough Council (comprising all 43 elected members) meets at least six times each year to conduct business. The Mayor of Test Valley acts as Chairman of these meetings. When the full Council meets, its agenda is largely devoted to discussion of reports and recommendations from Committees.


  • The Cabinet

    The Cabinet comprises eight elected members, who are appointed by the Leader and have powers to take decisions on the Council's behalf (generally concerned with operation of Council services and the formulation of policy). They also make recommendations for approval by the Council relating to the Council's overall policy framework. The Cabinet's work programme is set out in the Work Programme, and includes those 'key decisions' which the Council proposes to make. The Cabinet Work Programme is published every month.


  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee

    The main functions of this Committee include:
    • developing and reviewing policy
    • holding the Cabinet to account in public for the discharge of the functions for which it is responsible

The Committee is a key mechanism for enabling Councillors to represent the views of their constituents and other organisations to the Cabinet, and seek to ensure that these views are taken into account in policy development.


These Committees deal with planning matters and the Council's licensing function. They have delegated authority to make certain decisions, and may make recommendations in other cases.


This Committee, essentially, deals with those matters relating to the Council's staff.


  • Membership of the Cabinet and Committees

Click on the relevant links above then click on the 'Members' tab to see the list of  Councillors' membership.

  • Agendas and Minutes of Council, Cabinet and Committee meetings

Agendas and minutes for public meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees may be viewed clicking the relevant links above.


  • Public Participation at Council, Cabinet and Committee Meetings

Meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees are open to public attendance, although, occasionally, some items are discussed in the absence of the public and this will be indicated on the agenda.


Test Valley electors and Council Tax payers have the opportunity to speak about agenda items at any meeting of the Council, Cabinet and Committees. Please telephone 01264 368000 by 12 noon on the working day before the meeting at which you wish to speak.

At meetings about planning, licensing and related matters (including planning applications), the following may speak: the relevant Parish Council, objectors and supporters (including applicants or agents).

Documents explaining procedures may be downloaded from the related pages.

Please ask at the Council's Offices for a hard copy of the leaflet "Play Your Part - Public Participation at Meetings".

  • Council, Cabinet and Committee Meetings

Council meetings alternate between Andover (The Guildhall) and Romsey (Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road).

Cabinet and Committee meetings also alternate between Andover (generally Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road) and Romsey (Crosfield Hall) with the exception of Area Planning Committees: Northern Area meets at Andover (Beech Hurst) and Southern Area meets at Romsey (Crosfield Hall).

Details of programmed meetings may be subject to change, and other meetings may be arranged, from time to time. Notice of this is published on Council notice boards. Details may also be obtained by phoning  Legal and Democratic Services on 01264 368000, or email:


  • Constitution

The Council's Constitution records and regulates decision-making processes and the role of elected members and officers. To view the Constitution see the related pages.