Dangerous Wild Animal Licensing

A licence is required to keep a dangerous wild animal in accordance with the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. Anyone seeking to keep an animal classed as a dangerous wild animal within the Test Valley area will therefore first require a licence from us.

Animals which require a licence are set out in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (Modification) Order 2007.

Applications should be made using the application form available to download from this webpage. To be valid, an application must be made by someone over 18 years old and who has not been disqualified from keeping any dangerous wild animal. 

An application fee is payable and also payable are the costs borne by the council in respect of appointing a veterinary practitioner to inspect the premises and make a report about matters such as the suitability of the premises and the need for additional conditions to be attached to the licence.    

A licence will only be granted if we are satisfied that relevant requirements will be met, including:

  • that granting the licence is not contrary to the public interest on the grounds of safety or nuisance
  • the applicant is a suitable person to hold the licence
  • the animal's accommodation is adequately secure to prevent escape
  • the accommodation and conditions in which the animal will be kept are suitable as regards construction, size, temperature, lighting, ventilation, drainage, cleanliness, the prevention and control of infectious disease, and other animal welfare matters.

Additionally, the Animal Welfare (Primate Licences) (England) Regulations 2024 introduces a new licensing regime from 6 April 2026 for the keeping of primates.  

For more information please contact us.