
Planning and Enforcement Appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate.

General information and guidance on the Appeals Process is available on their website.

How to make a planning appeal

Appeal case search facility

How to make an enforcement appeal

You can also use Planning Online to carry out user specific searches

  • to view appeal status of individual applications (application reference, then search)
  • to view list of current appeals (appeal status - Appeal in Progress, then search)
  • to view list of appeal decisions (appeal decision - relevant decision type, then search)

You can also refiine your search further by selecting a Parish or Ward, relevant dates etc.

Planning Appeal Publications

Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by written representations

Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by a hearing

Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by an inquiry

Enforcement Appeals Publications

Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by written representations

Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by a hearing

Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by an inquiry