Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

To ensure that planning documents contribute to delivering sustainable development, the planning system includes a process of sustainability appraisal for each Development Plan Document (DPD).  Sustainability Appraisal Reports explain how the objectives of sustainability have been taken into account in the preparation of these plans.  This process overlaps with the requirements for Strategic Environmental Assessment of certain plans (which may include some Supplementary Planning Documents [SPDs]).


Scoping Reports

The first stage of sustainability appraisal is to consider the scope of the appraisal process.  It includes a review of other relevant plans, policies and programmes; baseline / background information; identification of sustainability issues and a series of sustainability objectives that will be considered when preparing DPDs.

The Council’s Cabinet approved a Scoping Report on 4 November 2020 which seeks to cover the scope of most emerging DPDs and SPDs. This can be downloaded from this page.

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