West Dean and West Tytherley Neighbourhood Plan


A Referendum relating to the adoption of the West Dean and West Tytherley Neighbourhood Plan will be held on 17 March 2022.

The Referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

In accordance with the regulations the specified documents must be accessible online for the Referendum. The council have also made the documents available for public viewing during the premises normal opening times and may be inspected at:

  • Test Valley Borough Council, Former Magistrates' Court, Church Street, Romsey, SO51 8AQ
  • Wiltshire Council, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ
  • West Tytherley Village Shop, North Lane, West Tytherley, SP5 1NF

The documents are:

  • Information Statement, which provides general information about neighbourhood planning, the referendum and a map of the referendum area;
  • The West Dean and West Tytherley Neighbourhood Plan (the referendum plan);
  • The report of the independent examiner into the Neighbourhood Plan;
  • A Decision Statement and a summary of the written representations submitted to the independent examiner.
  • Statement setting out the general information on Town and Country Planning, neighbourhood planning and the referendum.