Annual Timetable for the Development of the Council's Budget

Test Valley Borough Council operates a set timetable for the development of its budget, as outlined below:

May - July
Collection of information from services on options for new spending and savings.

July - August
'Rolling forward' the current budget into the next year to take account of agreed changes and inflation.

Report produced for the Executive setting out the initial budget options for the Council.

October - November
Review of the budget by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Consulting with local businesses on the budget.

October - December
Listening to the views of Council tax payers.

Analysing the grant figures provided to us by central government.
Report produced for the Executive taking all of these factors into account.
Agreeing the fees and charges set by the Council.

Finalisation of budget.

Final budget proposed to Council by the Executive (early February).
Council tax and budget setting Council meeting (late February).

For further information please contact the Finance Service by telephone: 01264 368000 or email: