Statement of Accounts for the Council


Annual Accounts

At the end of each financial year, we prepare a Statement of Accounts. This provides information about our expenditure and income and our financial standing.

The Statement of Accounts is a formal document complying with the accounting regulations which all local authorities must meet.  Independent auditors examine our accounts to ensure that they present our financial position fairly.

The council's financial year ends on 31st March and our statutory Chief Financial Officer (the Head of Finance & Revenues) signs a draft Statement of Accounts. Members of the public are able to examine the draft Accounts and ask questions of an independent auditor. The National Audit Office's Local Audit Code and Guidance team has day to day responsibility for the way in which local auditors fulfil their statutory responsibilities. The National Audit Office explains how the public can inspect, question and challenge council’s accounts on their Council Accounts - A Guide to your rights webpage.

Our independent auditors are Ernst & Young LLP of Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Square, Southampton, SO15 2BE



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (Section 25) and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, that the audit of accounts of Test Valley Borough Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the appropriate certificate issued by the appointed auditor Ernst & Young LLP.

The Statement of Accounts, including the audit opinion, is published on the Council website and can be accessed using the links at the side of this web page.

1. A local government elector for the Council area may, on application to the Chief Financial (S151) Officer at the address below, inspect and make copies of:

(a) the statement of accounts prepared by the Council

(b) the local auditor's certificate that the audit of the Council's accounts including that statement has been completed

(c) the local auditor's opinion on the statement of accounts

(d) any public interest report relating to the Council or an entity connected with it, and

(e) any recommendation relating to the Council or an entity connected with it.

2. The council must ensure that a local government elector for its area may have copies of any document, as specified within section 1 above, supplied to the elector at the elector's request on payment of a reasonable sum for each copy and be able to inspect them on any weekday between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm without payment.

Carl Whatley
Head of Finance and Revenues
Test Valley Borough Council
Beech Hurst
Weyhill Road
SP10 3AJ