A to Z of Council Services
Letter Services
- RADAR Toilet Scheme
- Raffles
- Recycle for Hampshire
- recycling
- Recycling Bins
- Recycling Collections
- Recycling Sites
- Recycling Stars
- Red Bins
- Red Tag - Brown Bin
- Reduce Waste
- Registered Housing Providers
- Registration - Cooling Towers
- Registration - Food Premises
- Regularisation
- Remaining hydrated
- Removing Graffiti
- Renewable Energy
- Rented Accommodation
- Report a faulty street light
- Report dog fouling
- Report It! - Love Where You Live
- Reporting An Untaxed Vehicle
- Responsibility for Roads
- Reuse Waste
- Revised Local Plan
- Rights of Way
- Risk Assessment - Community Litter Pickers
- Risk management
- River Anton Enhancement Scheme
- River Anton Way
- Road & Path Maintenance
- Road Worthiness Inspections
- Roadside Litter
- Romsey (Town) and Romsey Extra Neighbourhood Plan
- Romsey Access Plan
- Romsey Bandstand Summer Programme of Events
- Romsey Car Parks
- Romsey Extra
- Romsey Markets
- Romsey Sports Centre
- Romsey Town Access Plan SPD
- Romsey Town Design Statement SPD
- Romsey War Memorial Park
- Romsey's Waterways and Wetlands
- Rooksbury Mill - Fishing Information
- Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve
- Rubbish
- Rubbish Collections
- Rural Affordable housing