River Anton Enhancement Scheme

The River Anton is one of Andover's important natural features. It is a chalk stream fed by water of exceptionally high quality and supports a rich and diverse array of wildlife.  However, all is not  well on the River Anton.  Historic development  and river management has had a serious effect on its wildlife and amenity value.

Test Valley Borough Council, Environment Agency, Hampshire County Council and Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust have formed a partnership to improve the river corridor for wildlife and people.

A strategy has been produced which identifies the key issues and puts forward some actions which are aimed at improving the river and its environment.

The River Anton Strategy has 4 broad objectives:

  • To improve the river and its value for its wildlife
  • To improve public access along the river
  • To involve the community in projects to improve the river
  • To ensure the full potential of the River Anton as a chalk river habitat is realised and secured for the future

Get Involved
The Anton River Conservation Association or (TARCA) play a fundamental role in the management and enhancement of the site.   Set up a year ago the conservation group was spawned from an interest in The River Anton Enhancement Scheme.  The group's work parties have become a regular sight throughout the River Anton.

What do you think?
We would like to hear what you think of the River Anton and any ideas you may have to further the improvements outlined. 

If you have any comments or ideas please contact us.