The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Ian Jeffrey
The Test Valley Mayor is a Borough Councillor, and is elected to the post by fellow councillors at the Council's annual meeting in May each year. The Mayor chooses a Mayoress or Consort.
In addition to being the Borough's 'First Citizen', the Mayor chairs meetings of the whole Council, and acts as the Council's public figurehead. Mayors are expected to remain politically impartial, particularly when chairing Council meetings (calling speakers to take part in debates and ruling on procedural matters). The political leadership of the Borough Council is the responsibility of the Leader of the Council, a separate elected post.

As first citizen of Test Valley, the Mayor receives royalty, dignitaries and other visitors to the Borough, opens and attends conferences and numerous events, large and small, and represents the Council at civic functions.
The Worshipful the Mayor, Cllr Ian Jeffrey was elected 22 May 2024.
The Mayor may be contacted through his office.
The Deputy Mayor for 2024/25 is Cllr Linda Lashbrook
Download the application form below if you would like the Mayor to attend an event or function you are organising. Further information on the Mayor's attendance at functions and addressing the Mayor can also be found below.
For further information please contact: Sharon Goodridge, telephone 01264 368022 or e-mail: