Honorary Alderpeople of Test Valley Borough
Section 249 of the local government Act 1972 and the Council’s Alderman and Alderwoman Scheme (adopted in July 2012) makes provision for Test Valley Borough Council to bestow the title of Honorary Alderman or Alderwoman to past councillors who have, in the opinion of the council, rendered eminent services in their role as councillor to the brough and the community.
Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen may attend and take part in TVBC civic ceremonies but shall not have a right to attend council meetings or receive any allowance or payment for the role.
Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen of Test Valley are presented with a badge to wear at civic occasions.
We have 4 Alderpeople in Test Valley:
- Marion Kerley MBE (title bestowed 2012)
- Ian Carr MBE (title bestowed 2019)
- Dorothy Baverstock BEM (title bestowed 2023)
- Tony Ward (title bestowed 2023)