

Test Valley Borough Council welcomes petitions as one way in which you can let us know your concerns.

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Test Valley Borough Council welcomes petitions as one way in which you can let us know your concerns.

We treat a petition as any communication which is signed by or sent to us on behalf of a number of people. Petitions can be in paper format or you can find out about e-Petitions by clicking the link above.

For practical purposes, we set a requirement of at least 10 signatories or petitioners before we treat it as a petition.

While we like to hear from people who live, work or study in Test Valley, this is not a requirement for hard copy petitions and we would take equally seriously a petition from, for example, 10 visitors to the Borough on the subject of facilities at one of our visitor attractions.

Further information on how Test Valley Borough Council manages petitions can be found in the Council's Petition Scheme which forms part of the Councils Constitution, and can be access using the link above.