How your Bill is Calculated
Your annual Business Rates bill is calculated by multiplying the rateable value (RV) assessed by the Valuation Office Agency, by a multiplier, or 'rate in the pound', which is set by the Government each year. The government have set two multipliers for 2025/26. The Small Business Multiplier is 49.9p if your RV is below £51,000 & the Standard Multiplier is 55.5p if your RV is £51,000 or higher.
As an example, if your rateable value is £16,000 your bill for the year would be £16,000 X 0.499 = £7,984.00.
If you are only liable during part of a financial year, the amount you are required to pay will be adjusted accordingly as your bill is calculated daily.
If you wish to check your property’s rateable value you can do so via the Valuation Office Agency website
Details of the multipliers set in previous years can be found at
Please note that the amount you pay may be revised beyond this initial basic calculation. For example your bill could be reduced if you have been awarded any relief, exemption or there may be some transitional relief or surcharge applied.