Overview of Business Rates
Non-Domestic Rates Information 2025/26
Non-Domestic Rates
Non-Domestic Rates, or Business Rates, collected by local authorities are the way that those who occupy non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of local services.
Under the business rates retention arrangements introduced from 1st April 2013, local authorities keep a proportion of the business rates that are paid locally. This provides a direct financial incentive for authorities to work with local businesses to create a favourable local environment for growth, since authorities will benefit from growth in business rates revenues. The money, together with revenue from council tax payers, locally generated income and grants from central government, is used to pay for the services provided by Test Valley Borough Council.
Further information about the business rates system, including transition and other reliefs, may be obtained on the GOV.UK website: www.gov.uk/introduction-to-business-rates.