Andover Skills Training Fund


Application for funding - apply now

Test Valley Borough Council has secured £0.5m to improve skills in Andover as part of the planning agreement for Andover Business Park. We are using this sum to encourage Andover businesses employing fewer than 100 people to offer skills training to Andover residents who live within the SP10 postcode area or in East Anton/Augusta Park, Picket Piece/Locksbridge Park or Picket Twenty. Please see the Map attachment for a clear definition. It is hoped that the skills funding will help these businesses to develop, grow and offer more jobs. 

The Andover Skills Training Fund Grant offers a single payment of up to £500 per employee for eligible training per financial year, and up to £1,500 per business for employee training per financial year. No matched funding is required, but if either of these thresholds is breached, the business will need to pay the excess. 

Please note the following conditions: 

  • Applicant businesses must be at least six months old. 

  • The application must be approved prior to the training taking place. 

  • Reimbursement will only be made after the training has taken place. We will require an invoice from the applicant and: 
    i) a copy of a trainee certificate, or proof of attendance of the trainee from the trainer; and 
    ii) proof the trainer has been paid by the trainee (e.g. a signed statement to this effect by the trainer, receipt for the course fee or bank statement showing relevant transaction). 

  • Invoices should be submitted to the council within 3 months of the completion of the training. 

  • If you are VAT registered the grant will be paid exclusive of VAT. 

  • If you are NOT VAT registered, the grant will be paid inclusive of VAT. 

  • Applicants for non-accredited training will be required to identify a bench mark before training takes place and the level of improvement which will result from the training. 

  • We reserve the right to ask for evidence of benefits gained and performance enhanced either by the individual or employer six months after the training has taken place. 

The Fund may not be used for: 

  • Motivational/personal development coaching. 

  • Statutory regulatory training (e.g. annual health and safety updates or fire marshall training). 

  • Leadership and management training or similar business mentoring for the business owners/senior directors. 

Some applications have been received which describe the purpose of the training as “to upgrade skills.” Such ambiguity could allow unlimited future applications for the same training and therefore we are incapable of monitoring this. Therefore applications for unaccredited training should define the pre-training benchmark and post training capability. 

The eligibility criteria should guide applications to meet the spirit of the Fund but ultimately all applications will be at our discretion. 
For further information please contact: The Economic Development Officer, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3AJ or 

Annex 1 

Terms and Conditions of an Andover Skills Training Fund grant 

  • The business must be located within the SP10 postcode area or in East Anton/Augusta Park, Picket Piece/Locksbridge Park or Picket Twenty. 

  • The person undertaking the training must be a resident within the SP10 postcode area or in East Anton/Augusta Park, Picket Piece/Locksbridge Park or Picket Twenty. 

  • The business must employ fewer than 100 employees. 

  • The business must be at least six months old. 

  • The application must be approved prior to the training taking place. 

  • Payment will only be made after the training has taken place on receipt of an invoice from the applicant and: 
    a copy of a trainee certificate, or proof of attendance of the trainee from the trainer; and 

  • proof the trainer has been paid by the trainee (e.g. a signed statement to this effect by the trainer, receipt for the course fee or bank statement showing relevant transaction). 

  • Invoices must be submitted to us within 3 months of the completion of the training. 

  • Payments will only be paid to business bank accounts. 

  • If the business is VAT-registered, the payment will be exclusive of VAT; if the business is not VAT-registered, the payment will be inclusive of VAT. 

  • Applicants for non-accredited training will be required to identify a benchmark before training takes place and the level of improvement which will result from the training. 

  • We reserve the right to ask for evidence of benefits gained and performance enhanced either by the individual or employer six months after the training has taken place. 

  • The Fund may not be used for: 

  • Motivational/personal development coaching. 

  • Statutory regulatory training (e.g. annual health and safety updates or fire marshall training). 

  • Leadership and management training or similar business mentoring for the business owners/senior directors. 

  • No activity which may be construed as radicalising or encouraging people into terrorism will be permitted to receive any grant. Should any allegation be received, or if we have reason to suspect noncompliance, we will investigate and may decide to cancel, modify or withdraw any offer or grant made to ensure compliance with the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. 

  • Businesses are not eligible for public funding if receipt of the requested funding from the Council will exceed the Minimum Financial Assistance (MFA) threshold for the business as specified in section 36(1) of the Subsidy Control Act (2022). The total amount of 'Minimum Financial Assistance' (MFA) received over a rolling period of three fiscal years should not exceed £315,000 per business at company group level (including the grant you are applying for). 

  • If awarded funding, the business will be required to declare this funding in future applications for public funding over the following three fiscal years. 


Data Protection 

We are required by law to protect the public funds it administers and may share information provided in order to prevent or detect fraud. 

Any personal data you supply on this application form will be used for purposes in connection with the grant scheme and to provide information or advice to support your business including the TVBC newsletter; it will not be transferred outside of the European Economic Area. Should you decide you do not wish to receive the TVBC newsletter, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe option at the bottom of the newsletter. Further information on the Council’s TVBC data protection policy can be found at GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation | Test Valley Borough Council