Health & Safety - Advice and Enforcement

Health & Safety advice and enforcement is undertaken by the Health Protection Team in Housing & Environmental Health, and includes:

  • The promotion of health, safety and welfare in the workplace.
  • The provision of advice, information and training.
  • The inspection of workplaces and businesses including - amusement & sporting activities, cafes, children's nurseries, estate agents, hairdressers, hotels, leisure, offices, places of worship, public houses, restaurants, retail, takeaways, travel agents, tyre & exhaust fitting services and warehousing.
  • The investigation of accidents and complaints in the above types of premises.
  • The carrying out of advisory visits upon request.
  • Liaison with other organisations with an interest in health & safety issues.
  • Registration of skin piercers undertaking acupuncture, electrolysis, cosmetic piercing including ear piercing, tattooing (including microblading) and semi-permanent skin colouring.
  • Registration of hairdressers.


Other Useful Contacts


For further information please contact:
Health Protection Team
Tel 01264 368000