Public Art Commission - Picket 20 Extension


The Paddocks at Picket Twenty extension in Andover is the final development of housing at this site. Formerly agricultural land, this new development of approximately 500 homes sits alongside the established Picket Twenty development of approximately 1200 homes.

Picket Twenty is located on the outskirts of Andover and is surrounded by ancient woodland of Harewood Forest, rural homes and farmland. 

The theme of this project is based on information supplied within the Picket Twenty Extension Archaeological evaluation report and the desk-based assessment as well as the Non-technical summary of the Environmental Statement provided by Persimmon in 2016. Some summary information from this project includes:

Picket Twenty Extension - Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment –Summary

There is an archaeological interest within the site.

The presence of buried archaeological remains, in particular relating to probable prehistoric barrow cemetery within the centre of the site. The remains are expected to be relatively well preserved and are likely to be of at least regional importance.

Picket Twenty Extension - Persimmon - Environmental Statement - Non-technical summary

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

9.2.2 ‘The provision of interpretation/ information boards and / or public art would communicate information relating to the barrow cemetery, and any other significant remains.

10.7.1  Summary states that the prehistoric barrow cemetery is ascribed  the highest value of potential heritage assets.

10.7.2 States that ‘Conventional archaeological mitigation works will also be supplemented by community engagement works.’

Table in 10.5

  • Barrow Cemetery and associated remains; WA 74-79, Ring Ditch 8719
  • Mitigation / Enhancement Measures - Preservation by record and Community engagement/ interpretation.