Noisy Neighbours
Noise from neighbours is a common source of disturbance, and it can be very upsetting. The main problems are caused by barking dogs, loud music or TV, shouting, banging doors and DIY activities. Remember, no house or flat is totally soundproof – everyone can expect a degree of noise from neighbours.
If you are being disturbed by noise from neighbours, it may be because:
- the neighbours may be behaving unreasonably (shouting loudly)
- playing loud music late at night
- allowing their dog to bark all day
- they are carrying out diy at unreasonable hours.
In the first instance it is better to try and resolve the matter yourself and approach your neighbour and explain politely that you are troubled with noise. If it is a Housing Association or rented property, then approach the landlord.
If after taking this action the problem is not resolved, then formally make a complaint to the council. Information on making a complaint can be found in the relevant information on this page.
Other useful information, including leaflets entitled "Bothered by Noise" and "Constant Barking Can Be Avoided" are available on the Government Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs website.
For further information, please contact us.