Frequently Asked Questions
What are exception sites?
Exception sites are areas of land which are outside of the village boundary as defined by the current local plan. This land can only be used for the provision of affordable housing for people with a strong location connection. Planning permission will not be given to private housing developments.
What is meant by local people?
The local connection criteria will be laid out in the Section 106 agreement. A strong local connection is required by virtue of any one or more of the following:
- Been ordinarily resident in the parish or previously lived in the parish and has strong family connection; or
- A demonstrable need by virtue of their employment to live in the village or its immediate surroundings; or
- A demonstrable need to live within the village either to support or be supported by a family member
- It is restricted in perpetuity to occupation by households with a member in housing need.
What is a Section 106 Agreement?
A Section 106 Agreement is the legal framework which sets out, among other developer contributions, the terms and conditions for the provision of affordable housing. This agreement is part of the planning requirement that the Local Authority will have with the land owner.
What are Housing Associations (also known as registered social landlords or registered providers)?
They are not-for-profit organisations which own, let and manage rental and intermediate housing. As not-for-profit organisations, revenue acquired through the rent is ploughed back into the acquisition and maintenance of their properties.
What are affordable housing requirements?
Developers who apply for planning permission must comply with Planning Policies as set out in the Local Plan. Test Valley Borough Council's Affordable Housing Policy is set out in the Supplementary Planning Document
What is a Supplementary Planning Document?
Supplementary planning documents provide further detail about planning policies. They form part of the Local Development Framework and are taken into account when the Council decides on planning applications.
If you want to know more about how we are working to provide new affordable homes in Test Valley please contact us.