Housing policy & research
To make sure the right type of affordable homes are built in the right places, we research the housing need in Test Valley. This information is used to agree policies which guide the type and location of new affordable homes.
Recent research:
Strategic Housing Market Assessment
A Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) published January 2022, explores the overall housing need in Test Valley, including affordable housing needs and how government policy has an impact on delivery of affordable housing. The study also looks at the needs from a range of specific groups in the population (notably older persons), and considers future population projections. The study will also help to inform the council’s next Local Plan.
Housing Strategy 2020 - 2025
The Housing Strategy 2020 to 2025 is a high level plan that sets the course for our services to develop in partnership in the coming years, whilst drilling down into those priorities to provide a detailed roadmap that will enable us to achieve our aims. It sets out our vision for housing, with inclusive actions the council and partners will deliver and that are designed to ensure we meet the housing aspirations of our residents.
The strategy can be accessed here.
Housing Strategy Evidence Base & Review of Homelessness December 2019
You can download a copy of the Housing Strategy Evidence Base & Review of Homelessness December 2019 Here
Affordability study
Test Valley Borough Council commissioned consultants to review the viability of its approach to affordable housing. The report is available from this page.
Preventing Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2027
Click here to access the Preventing Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy.
Test Valley Borough Council's Housing Strategy 2020-2025
Click here to access the Test Valley Borough Council's Housing Strategy 2020-2025.
Want to know more?
If you would like further information you can view all the above documents on this page or alternatively you can contact us.