Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh Ants are a health risk because they can infect foodstuffs with a range of diseases such as dysentery, typhoid and polio. They are a different species of ant to the normal garden black or red ants, being very much smaller at only 1.5 or 2mm long and light brown in colour.
A species originating in North Africa, Pharaoh Ants like warm damp conditions with a ready supply of food. They will eat almost anything and are very resilient. They breed in colonies which can contain many thousands of ants.
It is very difficult to completely eliminate an infestation using ordinary insecticides. It is essential to get enough poison into the actual colony to destroy the queens and brood, not just kill workers on their travels.
Whilst Garden Ants are easy to deal with, Pharaoh Ants are difficult to eradicate and you will require the assistance of a professional operation.