Cluster Fly

This fly gets its name from its habit of clustering like a swarm of bees. It is larger than the Common House Fly and can often be identified as it folds its wings over its back - but there are many different species.

The Cluster Fly enters a house during autumn to hibernate and leaves again in spring, often causing a nuisance at these times. In the autumn, the flies tend to collect on the outside of buildings on warm elevations and later find their way inside to cluster - sometimes in their thousands - in roof spaces, under tiles and in sash windows.

One building in a row, no different from the rest, may be heavily infested and its neighbour completely unaffected. The Cluster Fly is a parasite of earthworms which are usually readily available in any domestic garden.

Health Risks

Animal excrement and domestic waste form an ideal breeding ground for flies, which means they can spread diseases. Their bodies can pick up disease from food waste and excrement and carry this to food or surfaces that they subsequently land on. Diseases can also be carried in a fly’s stomach, which can be transferred onto food from their saliva and faeces.


The best method of fly control is to physically break the breeding cycle by making sure they cannot find anywhere to breed. This can be achieved by:

  • Not leaving food uncovered on work surfaces.
  • Ensuring that kitchen bins are lidded to prevent flies accessing food waste.
  • Food waste should ideally be bagged prior to being put in the bin.
  • Regularly clean in and around kitchen (including drains) and wheelie bins.
  • Ensure your wheelie bin lid is kept closed to prevent flies gaining access.
  • Do not leave bowls of dog/cat food out all day, especially in the kitchen.

If flies are present in the house, these can be controlled with the use of flypapers and fly sprays available in most supermarkets and hardware stores.