Village hall trustees receive grant
Ampfield village hall can host more activities
A village hall in Ampfield can now host more community activities thanks to a community grant from Councillor Martin Hatley.
The trustees applied for the grant after noticing a vast increase in demand for the hall, particularly since the building was extended and re-designed last year. The £546.66 grant will mean that the trustees can purchase additional chairs and tables for the hall’s meeting room, which currently hosts activities such as the weekly community café where local people can access help and support with IT.
Councillor Hatley said: “I’m pleased to present this cheque to the village hall committee. The hall is a fantastic focal point for the Ampfield community and it is home to many clubs and activities, including the monthly indoor market, craft classes, bridge club and yoga, and it is the meeting place for the Ampfield Brownies and the venue for parties for all occasions. The additional chairs and tables will mean that the venue can host even more activities for local people to enjoy.”
The Councillor Community Grant scheme helps to fund community-led initiatives. Local councillors allocate funds to projects that they identify as meeting a need in the community based on feedback from residents. For more information about the grants available, visit www.testvalley.gov.uk.