Little Litter Pickers!
We are lucky enough to have more than 240 Community Litter Pickers in the borough and Test Valley Borough Council is praising two of the youngest helpers, Leah and Mason. Mason was just five years old when he first started litter picking with his big sister in Picket
Mason was just five years old when he first started litter picking with his big sister in Picket Twenty, Andover. A neighbour spotted the pair, mentioned that they could register with Test Valley Borough Council and the rest is history.
Mason said: “We enjoy it because the Council gives us a litter picker, bags and a hi-vis top to help us litter pick so we didn’t have to buy our own! They also send us newsletters in the post to thank us for litter picking in the community – and the letters are addressed to us!”
Leah added: “We have been Community Litter Pickers for about two years and we will continue for as long as we can. It was very simple to sign up and we have told a few of our friends who have also joined up. We would definitely recommend it to others”
Environment Portfolio Holder, Councillor Graham Stallard commented: “I would like to thank Leah and Mason for their litter picking and for their fantastic enthusiasm. I was also very impressed with Mason’s litter picking self-portrait. It is clear - they really do Love Where They Live”
Leah and Mason are now encouraging others to join in too. Mason said “If as many people as possible joined up and litter picked their own road it would make the whole area look a lot cleaner and be a nicer place to live. But you must always make sure you go with an adult and wear gloves!”
Councillor Stallard agreed: “Staying safe while picking litter is a must, and that is why our web site has guidance and checklists for community litter pickers. I would encourage anyone getting involved to look at these on line.”
For more information on becoming a Community Litter Picker and the Love Where You Live initiative, visit www.testvalley.gov.uk/love. You can also keep up to date on the initiative by visiting www.facebook.com/lovewhereyoulivetestvalley
Watch Councillor Stallard, Leah and Mason in action with their litter picking www.testvalley.gov.uk/CommunityLitterPickers