Council proposes almost £300k for community projects
Test Valley Borough Council has announced plans to grant almost £300k of funding for three local community projects.
At a cabinet meeting on 30 March, council chiefs approved awarding £240k for an extension to St Mary’s GP surgery to create additional consulting rooms and increase staffing, £13k to improve the pedestrian route from Viney Avenue to Cupernham School, and almost £30k for an orchard trail in Valley Park. The recommendations for funding will go to a future full council meeting for final approval.
The money comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which the council charges on new developments across the borough that meet certain criteria. Those looking to provide new infrastructure, facilities or services can then bid for a share of the levy money.
Local projects can bid for CIL funding between April 1 and June 30 each year.
Planning Portfolio Holder, Councillor Phil Bundy, said: “While new development is critical for our local communities, ensuring that we have the right facilities and structures in place to support that growth is just as vital.
“I am very much looking forward to seeing these projects come to fruition and would like to thank all those who submitted an application for funding.”
To check the local CIL criteria, including which developments are liable to pay the levy and which projects are eligible to bid for funding, visit www.testvalley.gov.uk/cil