More organisations set to benefit as Test Valley Borough Council’s Cost of Living Grant scheme increases to £100,000
The Cost of Living Grant scheme, set up by Test Valley Borough Council, has doubled its budget.
Originally launched with £50,000, the local authority now has an additional £50,000 to distribute to groups, not -for-profit organisations and charities to help residents with the rising cost of living.
Since being set up at the end of September, nearly £35,000 has been awarded to 29 organisations.
This includes Portway Infant and Junior Schools who received £1,000 each to provide families with essentials such as warm clothing and bedding and the Community Life Centre in North Baddesley who got just over £950 to create a warm welcome hub with free activities, refreshments, internet access and support.
Meanwhile, Broughton Parish Council got some money to provide a warm space with free food, drink and fun games and activities for all ages, Balksbury Infant and Junior Schools each got £1,000 to provide breakfast packages for families and Roman Way Primary School got the same amount to help give out warm bedding and clothing during Winter.
There is now just over £65,000 left in the pot.
Charities, not-for-profit and voluntary organisations, parish and town councils, and schools can still apply for a share of the money to help them support people who may be struggling financially with the increase to bills and general cost of living.
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, councillor Phil North said:
“We’re delighted that we have been able to increase the budget for the Cost of Living Grant scheme. In just a few months we have provided nearly £35,000, showing how popular and how important this scheme has been for the people of Test Valley. The increase to £100,000 means we will be able to continue supporting our local organisations who, in turn, will be able to provide help and guidance to those in the borough who may be struggling with the rising cost of living. I would really encourage any eligible groups to submit an application.”
For more information about the grant visit www.testvalley.gov.uk/costoflivinggrantscheme.
If you’d like to make an application, please contact the Community Engagement Officer for the relevant ward to confirm the eligibility of the organisation and project. You can find their details at www.testvalley.gov.uk/CEOfficers.
TVBC has also created a Cost of Living Support Hub at www.testvalley.gov.uk/costoflivingsupport.
It provides useful information and signposts people to agencies and groups which offer a range of help, from local food banks and warm welcome spaces to financial advice.