Test Valley residents over 66 urged to come forward for Winter Fuel Payment help if they need it
People above the age of 66 in Test Valley, who may be in need of a little extra financial help, are being urged to come forward.
Towards the end of 2022, Test Valley Borough Council, Unity and Citizens Advice Test Valley launched a scheme where anyone who receives a Winter Fuel Payment, but doesn’t necessarily need it, was able to donate it to help other pensioners in the area struggling with the rising cost of living.
At least £1,300 has already been given to Unity, and with TVBC match funding any donations, it currently has around £2,600 to distribute to those in need.
But it’s important for people above the age of 66 to come forward and ask for help if they need it.
With the rising cost of living, many people will be in a situation where they need more help than before and may not know how to access support.
Anyone with an older relative who could do with a little extra financial help is encouraged to direct them to Citizens Advice, who are administering the funds.
Residents can contact Citizens Advice on 0808 178 6882 or go to their website www.testvalleycab.org.uk.
Ange Moon, chief officer at Citizens Advice Test Valley, said:
“At a time when everyone is finding the cost of living a struggle there is no embarrassment in asking for a little extra help.
“We are here to support you, and our team will make sure you feel comfortable from the very first time you contact us. I know reaching out for help can be a tough thing to do, but I promise that you will feel much better for doing so.”
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Cllr Phil North added:
“We want to make sure that anyone above the age of 66 is getting the help and support they need in these difficult times but we also need those people to make themselves known to us. People have been very generous with their donations so far, so we need to make sure we are distributing that money to pensioners in the borough who need it most.
“If your elderly relative or friend could benefit from this please encourage them to contact Citizens Advice, they will be more than happy to help them. Thank you those who have donated all or some of their Winter Fuel Payment to Unity, your community spirit and support is very much appreciated.”
Anyone wishing to donate some of their Winter Fuel Payment can still do so by contacting Unity on 03304 004 116, or visit www.unityonline.org.uk/winter-fuel-payment-donations.