Grant boost for Andover Cycling Festival
The recent Andover Cycling Festival (ACF) was given a grant boost thanks to three local Test Valley borough councillors, who contributed £500 to the event.
Despite the wind and rain, the ACF on 7 July was unstoppable, with dozens of cyclists tenaciously contending with the elements.
The event was organised by Harry Lodge from Halo Sports and supported by Andover Vision and local councillors, Cllr Iris Andersen, Cllr Jan Budzynski and Cllr Debbie Cattell.
It is an annual event which aims to promote health and wellbeing and showcase the picturesque cycling routes around Andover and the surrounding villages.
Councillor Andersen said: “It is so important to promote health and wellbeing and this is such a fabulous, fun event. Keeping healthy is a preventative measure which helps to reduce pressure on the NHS. It is also really heartwarming to see families spending time together while enjoying the wonderful countryside around Andover.”