Three new artworks at Picket Twenty
New urban artworks installed at Picket Twenty
Two vibrant new outdoor artworks have been installed on the Picket Twenty housing development, with the finishing touches currently being made to a third.
They’ve all been funded from Section 106 developer contributions from Persimmon Homes for public art on the development.
Artist Tim Ward has created the new artworks, incorporating the ideas of local residents and using the themes of sports and movement. They’ve each been designed to encourage people to explore and engage with their natural surroundings.
Tim worked with local residents at community open days, as well as with children and students at both Pilgrim’s Cross School and Winton Academy, using these sessions to develop the ideas and designs for the work and sharing his process and stories of creating artwork for public places with local people.
Councillor Terese Swain, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Tourism, said:
“One of the Council’s four-year plan objectives is Connection, which is about building upon the identity, strengths and ambitions of our different communities. These artworks show that in action.”
The two new artworks now in place are:
The Tree Column. Located outside the Community Centre and consisting of eight vertical tubes sweeping down in an arc curve, this sculpture also incorporates a base with seating. Laser cut natural patterns on each tube represent the trees found in the nearby ancient woodland of Harewood Forest as well as the year group classes of Pilgrim’s Cross primary school. The seat top is filled with motifs of nature and patterns collected through community workshops.
The Hoops, located alongside the Picket Twenty Way play area. Representing the fun of children’s games, this sculpture also brings to mind sports where hoops are used for physical fitness and rhythmic gymnastics. It’s a vibrant and colourful sculpture that children and others can interact with.
Installation of the third artwork - The Torch – is currently being finalised on the Urban Park. This impressive 9.5m tall landmark sculpture represents a symbol of hope to guide people to this well-used space. The idea links back to the Olympic torch which was carried through the park during the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The Torch design takes the form of sweeping curves and includes an array of different size rings set in the structure with circular perforated plates that spin in the breeze. The lower plinth column depicts sporting activities with laser cut figures and a bench surrounds the bottom of the piece. The groundworks are currently being finished and when it is complete the Torch will be softly lit at certain times of the evening.