Andover Vision launches the Year of the Volunteer
Andover Vision is kick-starting 2025 by launching its brand new ‘Year of the Volunteer’ campaign.
The partnership, which is made up of residents, organisations and businesses from across the town, will focus on supporting and promoting volunteering in Andover throughout the year.
The initiative was first developed at an Andover Vision meeting a few months ago, during which attendees discussed a variety of important topics that they felt strongly about and wanted to support. Many Andover Vision members work closely with volunteers or volunteer themselves and wanted to highlight the impact and benefits volunteering can bring and promote this worthwhile cause.
Over the next twelve months a group of Andover Vision members will look to celebrate local volunteers, promote the benefits of volunteering, answer questions and share opportunities with the community.
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Cllr Phil North said: “Volunteers play such an important role in Andover, helping many organisations across the town to thrive.
Volunteering can offer some wonderful benefits from making friends to learning new skills and there are lots of flexible opportunities to suite individual needs.
“I hope this campaign succeeds in encouraging more residents to look into volunteering and offer a some of their time to support worthwhile causes.”
Ange Moon, Chief Officer at Citizens Advice Test Valley said: “The idea of making 2025 the Year of the Volunteer is fantastic, as an organisation Citizens Advice Test Valley rely on volunteers with them making up over 90% of our team. Citizens Advice celebrated 85 years last year and would cease to exist without the good will and dedication of our volunteers. A campaign like this can really help the voluntary sector and for us it is great timing when we need to expand our organisation. Volunteering can make such a difference not only to the people you help but also for your own wellbeing and health.”
To find out more or get involved, visit www.andovervision.org.uk where information will be shared regularly throughout the year.