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Private Hire Vehicle Licence application pack
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 60KB renewal either no more than 12 months after issue for vehicles less than six years old or after 6...gate or shall be purpose built mini-buses with rear tail-gates or doors of full width and height. 6....
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 853KB them might be seen as intrusive Non compliance with Human Rights Act 1998 - contravenes Article 6...carried out to ensure compliance Reduced Impact deemed justified, compliant and proportionate 6....
Taxi Convictions Policy
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 146KB of disclosed criminal history 5 Options when determining an application/licence 6...they should expect consideration to be given as to the suspension or revocation of their licence. 6....
Complaint Form
Microsoft Word : 77KB sought Please read note 6 in the accompanying leaflet Please indicate the remedy or remedies...
Statutory Notice
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 26KB writing to arrive at the address specified above (either hard copy or electronically) within the 6...
Independent Review Panel 2022
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 24KB (then existing) Audit Committee, with an SRA of 20% of that amount payable to the Vice Chair. 6....
Cllr Ian Jeffrey Biography
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 23KB the Navy came 6 years as a diplomat at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, in a rank equivalent...
Community Right To Bid - Unsuccessful applications
Microsoft Excel : 41KB will no longer be possible due to planning permission already approved for an alternative use.Ref 6...
Reg 16 Response Form (Word format)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 57KB consultation ends at Noon on Friday 6 September 2019....
Animal for Exhibition Application
Microsoft Word : 92KB If yes, repeat 4.1 to 4.2 6 Kinds of animal to be exhibited/Encounter and the number of...