Charlton Neighbourhood Plan

Updated Screening Opinion

The previous SA / SEA assessment exercises have examined whether the Draft Charlton Neighbourhood Plan is likely to require a full Strategic Environmental Assessment or a Habitats Regulation Assessment Appropriate Assessment.

The updated HRA screening exercise concludes that the Draft Charlton Neighbourhood Plan does require a full Habitats Regulation Assessment Appropriate Assessment to be undertaken as the Charlton Neighbourhood Plan allocates land for 50 new homes and Natural England has raised the issue of Nitrates in the Solent catchment area.

Given that the allocation will discharge to the River Test, there is uncertainty as to whether the Plan will have a likelihood of significant effects on the Solent. Given this uncertainty it is concluded that the draft Charlton Neighbourhood Plan is could have a negative impact on internationally designated wildlife sites within the river catchment therefore an Appropriate Assessment is required.  As a HRA is required, a full Strategic Environmental Assessment will also need to be undertaken. The Screening Opinion addendum can be found under the documents tab.

An Appropriate Assessment has been carried out, which can be found under the documents tab.  The SEA is also in progress.