Approach to certain International Nature Conservation Designations
The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) includes the requirement for the council to consider the potential impact of development on certain nature conservation designations. This includes Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), which are designated for bird species and habitats and other species respectively. National guidance advises that Ramsar sites should be treated in the same way; these are designated for wetlands of international importance.
There are a number of these nature conservation designations within or in close proximity to Test Valley. A map of the designations is available from this page, with more information available from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Information is provided below in relation to our approach in relation to specific issues arising for some of these designated sites. There are other international designations that may be affected by development across the borough. Also there may be other ways that the below designations are effected by development.