Planning Enforcement and Appeals

Enforcement of Planning Control

We are committed to investigating all reported breaches of planning control. If you think that building work or a type of use is taking place without planning approval, or that approved plans and/or planning permission conditions are not being adhered to, then please contact us.

It may be necessary for an Enforcement Officer to speak with you before undertaking an investigation, however, please be assured that the source of information, including personal details of complainants, will remain strictly confidential.

The Planning Enforcement Team has 4 officers who will investigate reports where activities do not appear to be in compliance with planning legislation.

Each officer has a responsibility for their own geographical area; for details see the Test Valley Planning Enforcement Area Map.

Appeals against Enforcement Notices issued by the council are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.



Planning and Enforcement Appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate.

General information and guidance on the appeals process is available on their website.

How to make a planning appeal  
Appeal case search facility  
How to make an enforcement appeal  

You can also use Planning Online to carry out user specific searches

  • to view appeal status of individual applications (application reference, then search)
  • to view list of current appeals (appeal status - Appeal in Progress, then search)
  • to view list of appeal decisions (appeal decision - relevant decision type, then search)

You can also refiine your search further by selecting a Parish or Ward, relevant dates etc.

Planning Appeal Publications

Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by written representations  
Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by a hearing  
Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by an inquiry  

Enforcement Appeals Publications

Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by written representations  
Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by a hearing  
Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals proceeding by an inquiry