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Members’ Allowances Scheme from April 2023
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 49KB MEETINGS Travel and Subsistence are payable in the following cases: a....
Members’ Allowances Scheme from April 2024
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 60KB MEETINGS Travel and Subsistence are payable in the following cases: a....
Filming in Test Valley | Test Valley Borough Council in Test Valley Filming in Test Valley What have Tom Cruise, Jude Law and Stephen Fry got in common...
Parish Plans | Test Valley Borough Council Plans give an opportunity for everyone in your community to make themselves heard; to identify common...
Land At Halterworth Lane - Halterworth Lane, Romsey – Planning Inquiry | Test Valley Borough Council Documents REF DOCUMENT 8.1 STATEMENT OF CASE HALTERWORTH FINAL (pdf, 268kb) 8.2 Statement of Common...
Approach to certain International Nature Conservation Designations | Test Valley Borough Council of Wight Wildlife Trust to update evidence in relation to the hydrology of Emer Bog and Baddesley Common...Recreation Mitigation Strategy PDF, 2.4MB Emer Bog Hydrology Guidance Note PDF, 508KB Emer Bog and Baddesley Common...
200409 Attachment A Response re parking standards
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 2.7MB While most respondents claim there is not a parking problem, there are concerns about Cow Common...have to travel by motor car and the further problem of casual visitors to the village to enjoy the common...Example: especially in Summer when the Chilbolton Common attracts many visitors • Poor levels of public...
Net zero occurs in all living organisms and is the sixth most common element on Earth....organizations in transitioning to a circular economy: Unified definitions and principles: provides a common...resources, thereby contributing to sustainable development on a global scale.ArticleNet Zero Guidelines: A common...The Net Zero Guidelines cover the guiding principles and recommendations to enable a common, global approach...Standardizing understanding of net zero The Net Zero Guidelines set a common path for: The definition...
Council Expenditure over £500 - May 2020 (csv)
Comma-Seperated Values : 46KB & Services,"Equipment, Furniture & Materials",IT Supp and Serv AMP,07/05/2020,297039,23985,Internal...
Spotlight on Andover as theatre plans take centre stage | Test Valley Borough Council addition to the internal facilities the architects have put a lot of thought into the exterior of...