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Corporate Action Plan 2019-23 - Year 2
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 787KB Following internal research activities within communities, implement and evaluate a pilot scheme...
Council Expenditure over £500 - October 2020 (csv)
Comma-Seperated Values : 94KB,IT,Supplies & Services,Communications & Computing,Hardware Maintenance,08/10/2020,314081,508.55,Internal...Support Services,Legal & Democratic,Supplies & Services,"Printing, Stationery & General Office Expenses",Internal...Services,IT,Supplies & Services,Communications & Computing,Hardware Maintenance,29/10/2020,315606,4075,Internal...
Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Fishlake Meadows nature reserve now has a dedicated car park Nearby Nature Reserves Baddesley Common..., by Steve Page Nature Reserve Emer Bog and Baddesley Common Nature Reserve 2 miles away © Peter Emery...
Submission Form
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 67KB Test Valley Borough Council Beech Hurst Weyhill Road Andover Hampshire, SP10 3AJ Reference (internal...
Empty Property Loan | Test Valley Borough Council substantial disrepair to a condition of reasonable repair Work that will providing a satisfactory internal...
Terms of reference
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 33KB CGR will also be publicised on the Council’s website, through internal communication channels and...
Application Form - Sex Establishments
Microsoft Word : 220KB of the premises must be submitted with the application, drawn to scale showing all external and internal...
Ox Drove Meadows management plan
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 7.4MB Pisaura mirabilis Pisauridae Araneae common Euophrys frontalis Salticidae Araneae common...common Harpalus affinis Carabidae Coleoptera common Harpalus rufipes Carabidae Coleoptera common...common Nephrotoma flavescens Tipulidae Diptera common Tipula oleracea Tipulidae Diptera common...common Cephus pygmeus Cephidae Hymenoptera common Lasius flavus Formicidae Hymenoptera common...common Pieris rapae Pieridae Lepidoptera common Homoeosoma sinuella Pyralidae Lepidoptera common...
Guidance - Club Premises Certificates
Microsoft Word : 164KB details:- a) the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal...
Biodiversity in Test Valley | Test Valley Borough Council relates to rare and common species, as well as the interaction between them and the habitats they...