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Terms of reference
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 33KB CGR will also be publicised on the Council’s website, through internal communication channels and...
Application Form - Sex Establishments
Microsoft Word : 220KB of the premises must be submitted with the application, drawn to scale showing all external and internal...
Celebrating 15 years of partnership working with TARCA | Test Valley Borough Council Anton Lakes Local Nature Reserve, Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve, Ox Drove Meadow, Harewood Common...
August 2018 Report of Expenditure over £500 (csv)
Comma-Seperated Values : 77KB,Supplies & Services,"Equipment, Furniture & Materials",IT Supp and Serv AMP,02/08/2018,247703,928,Internal...,Supplies & Services,"Equipment, Furniture & Materials",IT Supp and Serv AMP,02/08/2018,247704,2695,Internal...
Valuation Office Agency - GOV.UK 2024 — News story Explaining the process for challenging your Council Tax band and answering some common...Officer Contact VOA Contact the VOA Contact: Contact the VOA For information and guidance relating to common...
Guidance - Club Premises Certificates
Microsoft Word : 164KB details:- a) the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal...
Guidance Notes - Premises Licences
Microsoft Word : 177KB details:- a) the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal...
Guidance Notes - Premises Licences
Microsoft Word : 177KB details:- a) the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal...
Members’ Allowances Scheme from April 2023
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 49KB MEETINGS Travel and Subsistence are payable in the following cases: a....
Members’ Allowances Scheme from April 2024
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 60KB MEETINGS Travel and Subsistence are payable in the following cases: a....