Welcome to the Environmental Service

A bit more about what we do

Grounds Maintenance Team Strimming
Grounds Maintenance

Grounds Maintenance

We are responsible for the maintenance of public parks and open spaces, playground inspections and cemeteries and burials. We use a fleet of specialist equipment to carry out our grounds maintenance functions including mowing, preparation of sports pitches, shrub bed maintenance, planting and maintenance of floral displays, interments and the formal inspections of more than 90 playgrounds.

Street Cleaning

We are responsible for the maintenance of the street scene across the borough. We mechanically sweep the road channels and pavements and we also litter pick, remove fly tips, empty litter and dog bins and clear graffiti. We investigate a range of environmental crimes including abandoned vehicles and fly tips and we also issue fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling. Our work is underpinned by education and awareness campaigns that are delivered across the Borough.


We are responsible for the Council's vehicle fleet and the procurement of vehicles, plant and equipment. We maintain approximately 90 Council vehicles and a range of mechanical plant valued at over £6 million. The vehicles maintained vary from refuse collection vehicles to mowers and we provide a necessary support function to all the Council teams that run vehicles and plant. We also provide hackney carriage and private hire roadworthiness inspections on behalf of the Council and we operate a successful MOT testing centre.

Waste Services

We have a statutory duty to make arrangements for the collection of household waste. There are around 58,000 properties in the borough and we operate 14 waste collection rounds collecting household waste and recyclable materials, alternating each week. We also provide bulky waste and clinical waste collections and we maintain a network of over 100 local recycling centres. We also have around 19,000 households subscribing to our Garden Waste Collection Service which collects garden waste for composting.