Test Valley Borough Council Emergency Response Plan

Under the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004, all Local Authorities including District and Borough Councils are Category 1 responders. Emergencies occur on a regular basis and are often dealt with by a responding organisation unaided, however, occasionally the nature or severity of the incident will require an integrated approach utilising other agencies. The Borough Council will be required to support the emergency services with resources, take into account the welfare of people including shelter and re-housing, warning and informing the public and protecting the environment.

When the response phase moves to the recovery phase, the Local Authority will take a lead role in recovery activities.

The plan is structured as follows:


Section One: Background
Section Two: Health and Safety
Section Three: Local Authority Roles and Responsibilities
Section Four: Training and Exercising
Section Five: Emergency Control Centre
Section Six: Warning & Informing
Section Seven: Recovery

This plan will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains valid and accurate. Any changes to departmental structures or responsibilities which alter the agreed actions or roles under this plan should be notified to:

Mr Michael White
Licensing Manager & Emergency Planning Liaison Officer
Test Valley Borough Council
Council Offices
Beech Hurst
Weyhill Road
SP10 3AJ

Tel: 01264 368013
Email: mwhite@testvalley.gov.uk