Benefit Fraud

Benefit Fraud

Information on benefit fraud and how to report it.

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Test Valley Borough Council has a legal duty to administer a benefits service to all those who qualify. At the same time, there is a responsibility to ensure that benefit payments are only made to those who have a genuine entitlement. Therefore, our role is to try and stop fraud from taking place, catch those who are making false claims and reduce the number of fraudulent claims made each year.

We work closely with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) who operate a Single Fraud Investigation Service responsible for:

• Prevention and detection of fraud and error
• Prosecution of those people found to have defrauded the system

The Single Fraud Investigation service now investigates all fraud for Housing Benefit, Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance, Employment & Support Allowance, Tax Credits and Universal Credit.

If you wish to report a benefit fraud please use the link below for the DWP Benefit Theft website:


Alternatively you can telephone the DWP National Benefit Fraud helpline:

0800 854 440 (text phone 0800 320 0512)

Or you can write to:

NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston PR1 1GP