Changes in Circumstances

Have your circumstances changed since you applied for benefits or since they were awarded?

When things change at home or at work you will need to tell us. You will need to tell us when income and/or savings change for anyone in your household, or if you move address. Please tell us even if you think that the change will not affect your benefit entitlement so that we can give you advice.

The quickest and easiest way to report a change is via our on-line change in circumstances form .

If you have any difficulties using the form or are unsure what to report you can contact us online here or telephone 01264 368000.

Please tell us about changes in your life within one calendar month of the date of the change. This applies to all members of your household. If you do not tell us about the change within one calendar month you could lose benefit entitlement, you could have to repay benefit you have previously received and you may be prosecuted.

Please tell us of all changes even if you think that we may already know. We will then decide if they affect your entitlement in any way.

Examples of changes that you should tell us about:

  • you and your household move address
  • you gain or lose a partner. This includes a partner of the same or opposite sex
  • you or your partner cease to receive Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance or Employment Support Allowance
  • your household starts to receive Universal Credit
  • you or your partner start, or stop, receiving any benefit or income
  • benefit for you or your partner increases or decreases
  • anyone in your household has a change in their income
  • you or your partner start, or cease, work
  • you or anyone in your household have a pay rise or any other increase in income
  • you or anyone in your household receive a bonus from your employer
  • someone leaves or joins your household. If this changes your entitlement to a council tax discount please contact the Council Tax Section.
  • your family has increased due to the birth of a child or you start, or cease, to receive child benefit
  • anyone in your household goes into hospital
  • any change to the rent you pay
  • you are temporarily absent from your home - see our Temporary Absence page.