Council Tax Banding and Appeals
Council Tax Banding
The amount of Council Tax that you have to pay is determined by the 'valuation banding' that is allocated to your property. The banding is assessed by the Valuation Office Agency, which is part of Her Majesty's Revenues & Customs. The banding is not set by the Council.
Each property falls within one of the eight bands as follows:
The bands are based on 01/04/1991 values
A Up to £40,000
B Over £40,000 and up to £52,000
C Over £52,000 and up to £68,000
D Over £68,000 and up to £88,000
E Over £88,000 and up to £120,000
F Over £120,000 and up to £160,000
G Over £160,000 and up to £320,000
H Over £320,000
Appeals against your Banding
If you disagree with the band that has been applied to your property, you may make an appeal to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) for full details on how to appeal please visit: Challenge your Council Tax band: Overview - GOV.UK
If you challenge your band, you must continue to pay Council Tax at your current band until your appeal is decided. If your appeal is successful, a refund can be claimed for any overpaid Council Tax.