Discount for Major Repairs or Structural Alteration

The Council’s policy on discounts for major repairs and structural alteration is available below. In summary, a 100% discount may be awarded to a property which:

• requires or is undergoing major repair works to render it habitable; or

• is undergoing structural alteration; or

• has undergone major repair works to render it habitable and less than six months have elapsed since the work was substantially completed.

The discount may only be granted if the property is unoccupied and unfurnished, and it may apply for a maximum of twelve months.

If you would like to apply for this discount, please complete the relevant application form.

The following evidence will be required from the applicant:

  • A surveyor’s report to confirm the property is uninhabitable
  • Photographs showing the property in its uninhabitable state
  • Plans showing the intended repairs
  • Invoices, receipts, or quotes for the repair work
  • Photographs showing the work being undertaken (if work has started)
  • Photographs showing the completed work (if work has been completed)


