Rural Rate Relief
Relief from Business Rates is available for certain types of business which are situated in a rural settlement (a rural village with a population of less than 3000). Each year the Council updates its Rural Settlement List.
Please see the list of documents to the right for the most recent Rural Settlement Lists.
If your business is situated within a Rural Settlement, is occupied and fulfils the conditions in any of the categories below you may qualify for relief. If you wish to apply please click on the link to the appropriate application form at the bottom of the page, to download a form. Please complete and return the form with the supporting information requested.
The links for each application form are at the bottom of the page.
General Store
- business is a store, which wholly or mainly sells food for human consumption and general household goods
- no other such business within the Rural Settlement
- rateable value is £8500 or less
Post Office
- premises used for purposes of the Post Office
- no other such business within the Rural Settlement
- rateable value is £8500 or less
Food Shop
- business is a store, which wholly or mainly sells food for human consumption
- rateable value is £8500 or less
- this excludes the sale of confectionery and the supply of food in the course of catering. This condition therefore excludes restaurants, cafes, tea rooms and "fast food" shops but food shops which sell only a small amount of heated food will be eligible
Public House
- premises where a premises licence has been granted in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, which authorises the sale of alcohol, for consumption on the premises, where by sales are not made on the condition that the buyer resides at or consumes food on the premises.
- no other such business within the Rural Settlement
- rateable value is £12,500 or less
Petrol Filling Station
- premises where petrol or other fuels are sold to the general public for fuelling motor vehicles (which are intended or adapted for use on the roads)
- no other such business within the Rural Settlement
- rateable value is £12,500 or less
If you are entitled to relief under the categories above, your bill will be reduced by 100%.
If your business does not fit any of the above criteria but your property has a rateable value of £16,500 or less and is within a rural settlement you may apply for rural discretionary rate relief.
The Council can award rural discretionary relief, up to 100%, if it is satisfied that the business is of benefit to the community and having regard to the interests of its Council Taxpayers.