Registration of Tattooing, Ear Piercing, Electrolysis and Acupuncture

Why do I need a registration?

To offer skin piercing treatments both the person/s performing the treatment and the premises must be registered with the local authority.  In Test Valley you need to register if you practice one or more of the following: acupuncture, electrolysis, tattooing, cosmetic skin piercing (including ear piercing and body piercing) and semi-permanent skin-colouring.

What law applies to skin piercing?

A summary of the regulation relating to skin piercing registration.


Can I make my application online?

You can apply and pay online to register a new premises and person/s for skin piercing, and also apply for variation of an existing skin piercing registration such as when you want to add a new person, by clicking on this link.

Skin Piercing Application Form

If you have any problems using the online application please telephone 01264 368000 and ask to speak to an officer in the Customer Services Unit.   If you cannot submit an application online please request that an application form be sent to you.


How do I pay for my registration?

You can pay online using your debit card.   Please note that credit card applications are not accepted.   The online application will advise you what the current fee is.


Housing & Environmental Health Service
Telephone 01264 368000