Market trading

Andover Markets

Thursdays and Saturdays on the High St

These markets are independently run. If you are interested in trading, please contact Ian Woodward via email at

Second Sundays (March – December) on the High St

For more information visit: Second Sundays Andover

Trading form: Apply to be a trader — Second Sundays Andover

First Saturday of the month (March – November) in the Chantry Centre, and all Saturdays in December leading up to Christmas

Indoor market.

Trading form: Pop-up market | Chantry Centre (

Ad hoc events 

For example the Gardening fair, Wellbeing Fair, Taste of Test Valley

Please enquire through

Taste of Test Valley - Sunday 28 September 2025


Romsey Markets

Tuesday, Friday and Saturday in the Cornmarket and Market Place

These markets are managed by Bradbeers. Please call 01794 515555 to ask about trading.

Market stalls on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday

Please contact:, tel 01794 512837

Romsey Makers Markets

Sundays. For dates see What's On - South Central Makers

Book pitches via this page: Events - South Central Makers

Special Markets

Vegan Fair - 9 February 2025:

Beggars Fair - 12 July 2025:

Winter and Summer Carnivals:

Romsey Food Fair -

Romsey Antiques Fairs - 30 March 2025, 11 May 2025 and 12 October 2025:

Please contact the Town Council on 01794 517014 or to ask about any other upcoming events.

Stockbridge Makers Markets

Saturdays inside the Town Hall. For dates, see What's On - South Central Makers

Book pitches via this page: Events - South Central Makers

Hampshire Farmers’ Markets

Markets are held across Hampshire, including in Romsey.  Traders must become members of the organisation.

For more information, see Local Produce Markets - Hampshire Farmers Markets

Trading details: Sell At Hampshire Farmers' Markets