Independent Living in Supported Housing
There are a number of supported housing projects in Test Valley, providing homes with support for people with a range of needs.
Projects include:
- Sarum House, Andover - Foyer project for young people
- Oasis House, Romsey - Foyer project for young people
- River House, Andover - supported accommodation for working age adults with social care eligible support needs and mental health challenges
- Stonham supported housing projects, Andover - a range of projects for people with different needs (Aged 16-17)
- Bridge House, Andover - supported accommodation for people with drug or alcohol issues
- Dene Court, Andover - resettlement project for people with a range of needs - direct access hostel
- Purple Oak Support, Andover and Romsey - supported housing for people with learning disabilities
- Enham Trust, Andover - a wide rage of accommodation for people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities
All supported housing in Test Valley is accessed via the Housing Options Team and/or Hampshire County Council.
For further information or advice, please contact us.