Disabled Facilities Loans

If you live at home and have a disability that means you are eligible for a disabled facilities grant, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities loan. These loans can provide additional financial help towards necessary adaptations above the level of the disabled facilities grant.

Who is eligible for a Disabled Facilities Loan?

  • The applicant must have an application for a disabled facilities grant properly made with the council or be financially assessed as not eligible for grant assistance for certain works
  • The property will be the applicant’s only residence at the time the application is made and the applicant must live at the property and only own that property (the disabled person is not necessarily the applicant, they could be a family member). The applicant will be means tested and must have a maximum contribution of £15,000 on the Disabled Facilities Grant means test calculation.

What is the loan for?

The loan is to help the applicant: 

  • Fund the cost of their contribution 
  • Fund additional works above the grant maximum of £30,000
  • Fund replacement fixed equipment such as stair lifts or hoists where the original is broken and not able to be repaired.

How much financial help might be available?

Up to £15,000 of financial help is available to meet the contribution assessment or eligible cost of works plus the council’s legal fees in preparing the Loan Agreement.

Is any interest payable on the loan?

No, interest is not payable on the loan.

Will the loan have to be repaid?

  • A property owner must repay the loan when the property is sold
  • No monthly payments are necessary
  • The loan can be repaid at any time but must be repaid in full.

Who provides the loan?

Test Valley Borough Council is the loan provider.

Can I apply for more than one loan?

The applicant is entitled to one loan per property.

What are the terms and conditions of the loan?

Financial advice or recommendation for this scheme will not be provided. Independent financial advice on the effect of this scheme should be sought by the applicant.

Is any security needed for the loan?

Where appropriate the loan will be secured against the property and lodged with His Majesty’s Land Registry or the Land Charges Register, whichever is applicable.

How long do I have to make up my mind once an application has been made?

Subject to the council’s discretion

  • All formal offers of financial assistance will be valid for 6 months
  • All approved applications will be valid for 12 months.

What happens if costs go up unexpectedly?

The council will only consider payment towards agreed unforeseen work up to the loan maximum amount.  Any additional funding would need to be provided by the applicant.

How is payment made?

  • The applicant must normally agree to the payment being paid directly to the builder. An exception to this is where the applicant has already paid the builder and payment is reimbursing the applicant.
  • Up to 90% of the loan may be paid by the council before completion of work.
  • The council will calculate the amount of grant to be paid.

For further information please contact us.