Working with Landlords
If you are a landlord or thinking of becoming a landlord you can get information and advice about your rights and responsibilities from Directgov. You could also join the National Landlords Association for information, advice and support on everything to do with renting privately.
Standards for Properties
Your property becomes someone else's home while they rent it. By law, your property must meet certain standards. If work is needed to bring your property up to standard you may be entitled to a grant from the Council. We can refer you to the people who can give advice on these grants and on the standards that are required.
What help is available?
The Housing Advice team hold a Private Landlords Forum twice a year, to discuss issues affecting landlords in Test Valley. Recently, private landlords have received presentations about the Local Housing Allowance and Private Sector Leasing through Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).
For further information, please contact:
The Housing Options Team
Telephone: 01264 368000